It is a Tuesday.
Standing under the shower this morning I had the urge to remain until the hot water ran out. It feels like I've run a long race. I'm winded and want to lean over, hands braced against my knees, try to catch my breath. Even though I'm technically on vacation, even though technically I'm not retired, and technically my Monday retirement date is in doubt because of yet another glitch in The System, I can feel the freefall.
Today I picked up my pen again. While this long weekend has been fun, it's been quite busy. I've cancelled my walking appointments because I really don't know what I want to do when. Even so, the calendar alarms are going to have their volumes dropped a bit. It doesn't mean that my memory is getting any better, it means I've become entranced with the idea of hand-moving-across-the-paper and notecards again. I pulled out my 3x5 notecards and began to scrawl reminders for the day, then made one for tomorrow, then one for Thursday. That was as far as I could get before I didn't want to plan any longer.