Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Using acronyms is part of my job description. I'm graded on it twice a year. It's deconstructed spelling; minimalism run amok, poking its thumb in Dr. Samuel Johnson's eye. Apparently, I can't do without acronyms in my non-working life, so I'll make some up here. First I'll define them, but then plan on being tested in later conversations with me. Okey doke?

Funny On Demand - FOD. Yes, worry about writing in this blog woke me up at 2am this morning (the hormone shift and hot wings weren't part of it at all).

FOD. If this is a blog requirement, it's another one I'll fail. My angst opened its trunk & unpacked. I guess it's staying awhile.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You crack me up!

Dawn Black