What do you want to do when you get there?
Do you want to be in a crowd of people, or do you want to walk the streets by yourself?
Will you stop in cafes & eat or drink, or is your destination more remote than that, or are you a volksmarcher!
What's the most exotic spot you've ever been to? Did you find it tame, or exciting?
Do you like being able to read and understand the menu?

- Do you enjoy driving? Riding trains? Flying in red balloons?

What strange thing, or sight, would you like to see with your own two eyes? Or smell with your own nose? What about sounds? What would you like to hear?
How does the word "pilgrimage" make you feel?

Do you want to sleep in the same bed every night?

Do you like meeting new people, or not?

How long would you like to stay? Not, how long can you stay, but how long would make you just a little bit homesick?
You have lots of reasons why you can't travel: kids, money, time. What's to stop you from reading, researching, planning, budgeting, thinking about how you could make it work for you?
How many times have you traveled to the same place? What are the characteristics which make you return again and again? Is it because of obligation or love? If it's love, what other place in the world would have similar characteristics?
Leave the name of a place you'd like to visit, a budget, and an obstacle you've got to visiting it.
1 comment:
Okay...way to make me think. Just make it happen.
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