I've got 1600 pictures from the trip to Vietnam, of which 12 might be worth viewing. I don't really know. I'm just beginning to work on them. But before we get to any of the scenic photos & the promised write-ups, etc. of travel in Vietnam, let's just get the infection photos out of the way. I'm not even going to post any of the hospital photos because the only good one, the one which shows how blue was the blue in the Blue Hospital Room, he's got his eyes closed & it looks like he's just in his underwear.
Once this is out of the way, I am moving on to the more traditional aspects of travel blogging.

This photograph was from March 9th, the day before he was hospitalized. Remember, this started as a "pimple" on the top part of his leg March 4th. By March 9th, his thigh was swollen to twice its original size.

Now Dave has just called from the bed, "Are you posting in the blog, Andrea?"
"Yes." (I tell no lies even if I tell no truths)
"Are you posting the pictures of the infection?" (insert groans which can be heard across the room)
And you all know the answer to that one. Gotta love him, don't cha?
1 comment:
Glad you guys are home in 1 piece.
Hope the pics turned out well. Can't wait to see them.
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