Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dave's better and I'm no longer out of my mind

The doctor had originally thought 5 days of hospitalization. He's now saying all day tomorrow & then outpatient for two, maybe three days. We plan on travelling back to Seattle as soon as the doctor feels comfortable with him flying.

The swelling is almost down. The redness has dropped back to a light pink. It had encompassed nearly the entirety of his right thigh and had begun to travel past his groin yesterday. There is still discharge, but not nearly the same amount. The antibiotics are working - this time. he's on an IV drip for the medications / antibiotics. His blood sugar is elevated, but the doctors are monitoring. It's not actually out of range for his "norm" when not on medications. According to Patsy (sister-in-law who's a 20+year veteran nurse), that's to be expected during infection. So far they haven't talked shooting him up with insulin to drop it, they're just keeping him on meds & monitoring. The traveller's support we have through our insurance is coordinating care.

We'd been to two other doctors before we got to Saigon - one in Hue and another in Hoi An. Dave had been given several regimens of antibiotics & the infection didn't respond to any of them.

Tonight I am at the May Hotel. Tomorrow I move to the Star Hotel, I don't have a phone number yet.

Current plans are that he remain in the hospital today, tomorrow & then begin outpatient treament on the 13th, continuing the 14th. We're hoping to fly home to Seattle the next day, but that is completely based on whether the doctor feels he's ready for the international flight.

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