Thursday, May 12, 2011

The art is so fresh here you should slap it.

We made it to Brasov. I don't think I'm having a stroke. All the streets spread out from the old center like the friggin' provebial spokes on a wheel. We walked down the end of one & crossed the piazza there to get to the post office before 'it closed' (a figment created by our own mind b/c the real closing time is 19:30 and this is only 16:30 i'm talking about.). We got our postage, mailed the cards, but then it was time to feed the parking meter...which was on the other side of the wheel we didn't know was a wheel.

Can one hear the sound of one blood vessel bursting. I waved David on, "Go on! Go on without me.". I was quite heroic as i collapsed on the wooden bench in the park. When he got back to me, i revived sufficiently to purchase 3 hand-painted icons, one work oil on glass, one etching, and 10 hand-decorated Romanian eggs. I've collapsed here in the cafe. I can go no further until the mojito revives me.

Yes, we bought a phone today. It has an alarm clock function as well.

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