Saturday, May 14, 2011

The second car goes down and Andrea discovers she has one modest bone left in her body.

Thank gawd for six-year olds. We're back at the Rowa Dany, parked since 11am when, at 6pm - oh whoopsey - Dave gets a call from the front desk. Yes, front lights this time. Luckily, the strapping masseur and his father were having a beer at the bar were able to push start us.

And how, you might ask, did I know the strapping young man at the bar was a masseur? Oh because I found I was too shy to fully strip in front of him. yes, me, Miss What-the-Hell-Do-I-Care, Vive la France, Carpe-Something found that while I don't have a problem getting a full body massage while nekkid under the blanket, I actually jumped on the massage table FULLY dressed. He looked at me as though I was nuts & made some sounds & motions related to "Clothes". He was lucky I'd just had a pedicure & so felt secure enough to remove my sandals in front of him.

All the sins and bald spots of my middle-aged self flashed in front of me like a revelation from gawd. I was exposed to youth, and it was too much to bear. It was the stripping that got to me. I compromised at my bloomers, but heartily regretted my lack of gumption during the leg rub down. Dave's been insisting on miminum times for volksmarching WITHOUT cafe stops. Like NONE.

Also got the world's best manicure & pedicure here at the salon next to the Rowa Dany. Ask for Anna at Salon Daniela.

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