Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Okay, next time we bring a mobile phone

Well, since Dave is doing better, time for an amusing antecdote. It's a good thing I'm an older single woman wandering the streets of HCMC instead of an older, single man. Dave wandered the streets of Hue by himself the first night in b/c I'd crashed after no sleep the night before in Halong Bay. He told me he'd been propositioned as to his need for a woman, pot, and heroin, but stalwart fellow that he is, he assured me he turned them all down. He said it was downright unsafe for a guy to walk unattended because so many people came up to him asking to service various needs.

I walked around the block by myself here in Saigon & only "saw" what was being offered. The fine art gallery changed from abstract street scenes to full representational nudes of lovely, lovely young women. I wouldn't have been able to compete even when I was 24. This street, Thi Sach, had a few more store fronts open in the evening than in the day. The women are comely here. I hope they're unionized, have a pension & access to adequate medical care.

The land line network here is having troubles with one-way audio into the U.S. I can hear the far end just fine, but they can't hear us here in Vietnam. One receptionist at the hospital moved around like she was trying to pick up a good signal. Uh, no. It's wired up. Calls from the U.S. to Vietnam don't seem to be experiencing the same problem, just out-going from here. Mobile phones are making it through. I was able to call Italy via the land-line, no problem. U.S. lines, though, were intermittent & now, I can't get a line through.

I ate dinner at a little restaurant around the corner from here - The Refinery. It might have aspirations towards the French side of things, but the wine was from Australia. Tasty - finally. Lots of fruit in the bouquet. Had it with some fried sole with home made tartar sauce. The sauce was on the mustardy side. Dave, on the other hand, had lasagna at the hospital. They order in. heh. It was good. Their mozzarella was outstanding in the mozzarella & tomato salad.

I'm moving to the Sao Hotel (aka Star Hotel) tomorrow. I'm emailing the phone number - let me know if you need it.



Sheila said...

Wow Andrea!! Alot has changed since I read the blog last! I'm glad Dave is better. That is crazy and horrible. I hope the rest of your trip is better and please call me if you need anything, ok? My mobile: 206-669-9724

Andrea said...

Thanks, Sheila. I'll give you a call if there's anything you can do. I'm headed to the hospital in just a bit. I expect to see that pinkness gone, but I think both my Evil Eye and Command Voice have failed me. It's much better though & seems to be just taking time.

More later!

Unknown said...

I hope Dave will get well soon enough so both of you can fully enjoy this trip - carter